A New Anthology worthy of your attention
by Sabur Abdul Salaam
WHO SPEAKS FOR THE MUSLIMS IN AMERICA - This book is an anthology of essays written by both Muslim Scholars and Grassroots Activists. It is an attempt to give some of the recent history of the Muslims that is not normally conveyed in the highly publicized books written by Muslims or at Islamic conferences. Islam is Allah's way of life and every human being needs Islam but not all people who are not Muslim are the same which is why the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) pointed out that the best before Islam will be the best in Islam if they learn their religion.
Sh. Sabur Abdul Salaam
I decided to publish this book for a variety of reasons, but one of the most important being Omar Lee's essay "The Rise and Fall of the 'Salafi Dawah' in the United States." Omar's essay is important because Islam can take people "out of the darkness into the light", so Muslims who consider themselves "Islamic Workers", need to know just how dark that "darkness" can be.
Available at fine bookstores and also on Amazon.com