Hajj Shareef Abdur Rasheed / a.k.a. Zakir Flo
Shareef Abdur-Rasheed
Born: BKLYN,NY (WW 2 Baby)
Resided:BKLYN,NY,Jersey City,NJ,LI,NY,Tampa Bay Area,FL.
Education: BKLYN COLLEGE,Suffolk County Com.College
Makkah,Saudi Arabia
Military Service:Viet Nam Era Vet
Reverted: Islam in Military July 22,1969 (Ft Dix,NJ,Stockade)
with the Dar'ul Islam Movement Nov/10 Ramadan 1969 in
BKLYN,NY(240 Sumpter St.) after meeting the "Dar" brothers
Active: Muslim Communities BKLYN & LI,NY,Civil Rights,
Participated,Sit ins "60's" Free Mandella,Bensonhearst
BKLYN (Yusef Hawkins Murder), Central Park case,Adam
Abdul-Hakim case, Rasheed Family Case with Rev. Sharpton
Poetry: Since "60's" but inconsistant untill approx:three and a half years
ago, Did some spoken word in College with Jazz group. Knew Sulaiman
El Hadi and Jalal Mansor Nurraddin from original"Last Poets" we were in
the Muslim Community in BKLYN,NY From 1969 to mid "70's"
Play: Percussion,Congas,Timbales,Afro Cubano Latin Jazz & Salsa
First poem to be in print was 1995 "Make it Tight" Sulaiman El hadi in
Rememberence.Feature: Conscious/conscience Poetry "Socio/political/
Spiritual.AKA: "Zakir Flo" Zakir is Arabic for "To remind" Never silent,
Always Dropin Science,signs of the time in rhyme"
***Patriarch of Abdur-Rasheed family 9 children 6 sons,3 daughters
42 Grandchildren 24 boys,18 girls
Imam,LI,NY 1992 to 2005.
Current Workshops :
"How to make Hajj and Umrah"
Shareef Abdur-Rasheed
AKA Zakir Flo,
All Rights Reserved
Amanda Madiba!
some are called for certain
blessed with what stands out
from the rest!
tasks heaped on
that few men think on,
speak on,
much less act upon
Madiba,Madiba Rolihlahla Mandela
Rolihlahla,Xhosa, for "TroubleMaker"
Xhosa son born from Royal line
chosen one!
lead takers time!
Amanda! Amanda! Amanda!
(Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!)
was the cry!
Let my people go!
we won't take it no more
Apartheid must die
even if we as well
better then existing
in this hell!
to try and die is worth the
think of the story
they will tell!
Madiba was the one upon
whom the task fell!
and soon was heard the
freedom bell!
Amanda! Amanda! Amanda!
amazing cry burning in the
belly of the beast
raised to a boil
heard round the world
Amanda! Amanda! Amanda!
amazing cry,
as worlds leaders
knew and stood by
watched many,many die
as we learn,
more concerned about
the gold they buy!
willing to be in bed with
living a lie was nothing new
this is what they do
what their used to!
soweto,the mines,Joburg,
have you heard
young lions
wanted to live but prepared
for dying!
rather then exist
to make apatheid cease and
desist was worth trying!
overcome fear!
and Madiba, Rolihlahla was put
away for 27 years!
untill the day was to be when
Madiba walked free into the arms
of Winnie and a sea of humanity!
quite a journey for a man who was
picked to pick up the relay stick
and run,carry a nation into the sun
almost 95 years from the day he
appeared and yet even today
no matter what they say
apartheid is still not done!
reflect on the ripple effect
the work of Rolihlahla,
the "TroubleMaker"
has just begun!
says da beat of the African Drum!
Amanda! Amanda! Amanda!
(Dedicated to Nelson Mandela,the Winnie's and Steven Biko's
and the many whose names we don't know)
Kulu Nas,Ya Bani Adam (pboh)
(All Mankind,Oh Children of Adam, peace be upon him)
by Shareef Abdur-Rasheed, April 07 2012
Oh Children of Adam (pboh) little or no surprise
you have been the subject of blatant lies
and upon reflection one can sumize this is
designed to divide, weakin’ and compromise
it's time to act and extract the lie to discern and
learn the facts how Mankind is really comprised
not of races but instead "Nations and Tribes"
it has been accepted we're all apart of the
human race or Mankind that we all agree
so why then is it hard to see to say a race is
comprised of races is redundant, a fallacy
to make us understand that's like saying
the make up of a hand is a hand! The definition
of meticulous is "meticulous" wouldn't that be
ridiculous? i'm just saying the concept or mind set
of races make us see each other as "Alien" or
other never to really accept that we are all brothers
that sets the table to render mankind unable to be
truly ambitious to achieve unity because we're
really suspicious of one another and see our fellow
man as other not our brother , to brainwashed to
over-stand, and that my friend has been and is the "Plan"!!
"Oh Mankind! We have created you from a male and a female
and made you into "Nations and Tribes "that you may know one
another (not depise each other) Verily the most honorable
of you with Allah is the one who has "Taqwa" (who fears Allah)
He is the one who is "Pious" Verily Allah is the "All Knowing!
The All Aware!! Qu'ran:49,13
da apple..,(revised)
by Shareef Abdur Rasheed
was watsup in the world
of bebop
back when there was a
jazz reinisance
it was J.A.Z.Z in N.Y.C
city that never sleeps
nocternal like Jazz musicians
giggin through the night
at Birdland, Mintons,
Five Spot,Vanguard,Sluggs,
Basin Street East, the Gate
and don't forget Bed Sty
Brooklyn "Blue Coronet"
NYC had all the greats!
and it wasn't odd to find them
uptown in Harlem Jammin till
the break of dawn with the bass,
traps, alto ,tenor horns like
Miles axe,Monk doing stuff that
was unheard of with those keys
bird was heard bustin riffs
dizzy had "salty peanuts"
and that crazy "Bent Horn"!
hawkins on a roll with body "n'
soul,max and art stick work
show you how it's done with
to many to name but it would
be ashame not to mention "Trane"
all night till sunlights burst
put a hold on the rehearse
till the next day picking it
up from the last verse or
taking it from the top!
a time when it was hard bop
jazz was new york,new york was
jazz it's as simple as that!
that was back in da day when
there was plenty spots to hear
the best that ever was, play!
but sadly to say'That was Yesterday"
and most of all dem catz have
went away but believe it or not
that 'Sound" stays
in minds and hearts
where there will always be "Art"!
New Orleans had it's Brand like
"Dixieland" but no city had Bebop
non-stop like back when da
apple was the spot to play
hard bop,"Straight no Chaser"
all day!
by Shareef Abdur Rahseed
to give praise on sundays
as the sunrays penetrate
through the stained glass
slashing the pews
as the parishioners pray in
full view
emersed in a curious world
exclusive of those who don't
look,talk and act like you!
a little bubble designed to
keep out trouble
but steeped in sin their lives
kith "n' kin,husbands,wives
insolated from folk deemed
hated,isolated away from
people of color,that other
from whom they remain
taught bout dem "n" those
folk ain't da same as our
and they grow up confined to
this mental yoke
closed mind,blind eyez
the whole wide world has been
shrunk down to a little corner
called white folks town,and
we don't want ya'll hanging round
and dem grow up!
and become your cops,judges,
prison jailers and jurors given the
job to sit judgement on those same
folk who their forefathers spoke
with all the distain they invoked,
all the hatefull jokes,things they
say,day after day..,
poised to hand down a verdict
to put your brown "n" black ass away
or just shot you down acting as judge "n"
jury in yours "n" my town without a worry
bout any sentence handed down!
and who da F%^# cares
that da system calls dem
a jury of your peers!
that without blinking will
put you away for years
or let a killer walk who walked
to stalk and kill a innocent 17 year
old boy at will,enjoying the laws that
gave him the privilege to do
it to mine "n' yours!
like it's a game,playing with
toys that got souls,names
wives! but never does it connect
in their feeble mind speck
that the same folk of whom their
peeps spoke are humanbeings
who deserve the same things
beginning with..,
Shareef Abdur-Rasheed,
AKA Zakir Flo,
All Rights Reserved